1. Login to server as root/su
2. Stop the MySQL service
service mysqld stop
* Note : Be carefully, all your application will be temporarily unable to use mysql.
3. Start MySQL Safe mode with skip grant tables option
mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
(press ctrl+C to exit, if required)
4. Start the MySQL service
service mysqld start
5. Log into the MySQL server without any password
mysql -u root -p mysql
6. Reset the password for ‘root’ user
UPDATE user SET password=PASSWORD('new-password') where user='root';
7. Flush privileges
flush privileges;
8. Stop MySQL Safe mode
killall mysqld
9. Start the MySQL service again
service mysqld start
10. Try to Log-in with the new password
mysql -u root -p
<enter new password when prompted>
2. Stop the MySQL service
service mysqld stop
* Note : Be carefully, all your application will be temporarily unable to use mysql.
3. Start MySQL Safe mode with skip grant tables option
mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
(press ctrl+C to exit, if required)
4. Start the MySQL service
service mysqld start
5. Log into the MySQL server without any password
mysql -u root -p mysql
6. Reset the password for ‘root’ user
UPDATE user SET password=PASSWORD('new-password') where user='root';
7. Flush privileges
flush privileges;
8. Stop MySQL Safe mode
killall mysqld
9. Start the MySQL service again
service mysqld start
10. Try to Log-in with the new password
mysql -u root -p
<enter new password when prompted>